Saturday, September 7, 2024


Dallas is called North Texas’s Silicon Prairie. After all, this city houses the headquarters of many IT giants.

In this article, we will tell you about the most famous ones. Learn more at dallas-future.


AT&T (the American Telephone and Telegraph Company) is a company founded by Alexander Graham Bell in 1885 as a subsidiary of the Bell Telephone Company. Developing further, it absorbed the parent company. For almost 70 years, AT&T has been a monopoly in the niche of telephone communication in the US.

After the meticulous work of the US Antitrust Committee, seven companies were separated from AT&T. They continued the usual work of providing telephone communication services to citizens. Later, AT&T’s senior management created the conditions under which the spin-offs joined AT&T again.

AT&T became an IT company when information technologies started to develop. As of 2023, the company profited $168.8 billion. One of the company’s subsidiaries is a huge media holding called WarnerMedia, which contributes a lot to US film and television production, as well as major TV channels. AT&T owns media and TV space in the USA, Latin America and the Pacific region.

Thus, the telephone company created by Bell turned into a world-class IT company.


Alcatel was founded in France in 1898. Its founder, Pierre Azaria, created a company called the Compagnie Générale d’Electricité (CGE) in Alsace. He was an engineer and planned to create a competitive company for the giants of that time, such as Siemens, AEG and General Electric. The company specialized in communication equipment from the very beginning.

At first, the CGE company developed very actively. In 1925, it absorbed a factory for the production of cable products. However, the war stopped the development.

In 1965, the company absorbed its competitor Societe Alsacienne de Constructions Atomiques and Telecommunications et d’Electronique.

The development and expansion of the company led to a change of its name to Alcatel. This name is not accidental, as the abbreviation combines the first letters of the absorbed companies.

Alcatel was established as a brand in 1985 when it absorbed several other companies. Then the company continued to merge with others. Thus, Lucent Technologies was absorbed in 2006. The merger formed the Alcatel-Lucent company. It produces software as well as telecommunications and computer equipment.

Alcatel is known in 130 countries around the world. 20% of GSM users are served by this company’s equipment.

In general, the company’s activities are carried out in three main segments:

  • Fixed Communications Group, a fixed communication system
  • Mobile Communication Group, a mobile communication system
  • and Private Communication Group, a corporate communication system.

Among consumers, Alcatel is best known for its communication devices.

The production of signaling and railway traffic control systems is a separate specialization of the company.

Alcatel was also involved in the production of artificial satellites, which were created by the Alcatel Space division. It was discontinued in 2005.

The history of Alcatel consists of acquisitions and purchases of other companies.

Since 2016, part of the Alcatel shares has belonged to Nokia.


ONKRON belongs to BM Global Group Corp. The company is headquartered in Dallas. It also has European branches in Germany, Great Britain and Italy, as well as branches in China and Kenya. The company is engaged in the production of displays, mobile screens and screens for computers and laptops.


Zimperium is a private IT company that develops mobile security systems. Its headquarters is located in Dallas.

It was founded by Itzhak Avraham in 2010. In 2011, the assets of Zimperium, Ltd. were acquired by Zimperium, Inc. The new company was incorporated in Delaware.

In 2014, Zimperium, Inc. released its first Android app called zIPS. The application monitored and prevented system intrusion. In addition, it had a system for tracking user habits and, based on them, created a system for preventing information leakage from the device.

In 2015, the company developed a security system against bugs that affect the operation of the Android system (Stagefright bugs).

In 2016, the company became a partner of BlackBerry. Their cooperation consisted of the integration of zIPS into the operation of iOS and Android operating systems.

The Zimperium company attracted a lot of investments from Samsung, Telstra and Sierra Ventures.

In January 2018, Zimperium transferred its copyright along with patents and trademarks to Ally Bank.

As of the beginning of 2023, Zimperium is an international company with hundreds of clients, including federal and local government institutions and mobile operators.

Zimperium is a world leader in protecting enterprises from mobile threats. Its programs use machine learning, which protects gadgets from dangerous attacks.

Texas Instruments Incorporated

Texas Instruments Incorporated is a high-tech American company that produces semiconductor elements, electronics and microcircuits. The company ranks fourth in global semiconductor production after such world giants as Intel, Samsung and Toshiba.

Texas Instruments Incorporated is the world’s leading manufacturer of mobile chips, digital-to-analog processors and semiconductors. The company also specializes in the production of microcircuits for broadband modems and household electronic devices.

The company is headquartered in Dallas.

It was founded by Cecil Green in late 1941. Cecil, along with his partners Eugene McDermott, J. Erik Jonsson and Patrick Haggerty, bought out Geophysical Service Inc. During the war, the company produced electronics for US Army communications. After the war, the company continued to make electronics.

In 1951, the company was named Texas Instruments Incorporated. In 1954, the company developed the first transistor radio. In the same years, Jack Kilby invented the first integrated microcircuits.

In the 1960s, the company began using integrated circuits in computer logic circuits. In 1967, it patented the first pocket calculator based on integrated circuits created by Jack Kilby.

In parallel, Texas Instruments Inc. produces equipment for seismological use.

Developing further, the enterprise improved its own production of controllers and control systems. Then it released many electromechanical devices and some of them were used in the US Apollo space program.

From 1970 to 1980, Texas Instruments Inc. was an active consumer electronics manufacturer. In parallel, its first game, Speak & Spell, was released.

In June 1979, Texas Instruments Inc. entered the computer market with its TI-99/4, a competitor to Apple II. However, the attempts were unsuccessful.

In the same period, Texas Instruments Inc. continued to produce military electronics. They produced airborne radars for aircraft, orbital sensor systems, bombs and laser-guided missiles. The company sold its military specialization in 1997.

Texas Instruments Incorporated absorbed many other companies.

It operates in two segments, Embedded and Analog Data Processing.

Embedded data processing products result in 20% of the company’s profits. It produces electronic channel processors and microcontrollers (used in electric toothbrushes and modern navigators). Analog data processing products bring 70% of the company’s profit. Among them are analog and logic products, semiconductors for power management, converters and data amplifiers. They are used in the personal electronics and automotive industry.
As of 2021, the company was ranked 210th in the Fortune 500.

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