Saturday, September 7, 2024


The idea of ​​creating a Dallas Jeep belongs to Jean-Claude Hrubon. His name went down in history as an important developer in the automotive world. He tried to create his own car in the 1960s. However, there were no results. His first creation was based on the Mini. Hrubon did not consider this his achievement and wanted to develop his own model. The developer achieved his goal only in 1981. Read more on dallas-future.

Why Jeep?

The original Jeep was produced during World War II. When production in the USA was transferred to military rails, the manufacturers of various types of transport were asked about which four-wheel drive model would withstand combat operations. Everyone assured that Jeep will soon be known as the only car brand that can overcome the biggest off-road obstacles. Therefore, they are considered ideal for everyday use.

Jean-Claude Hrubon used this information in the process of developing his own car. The developer first presented the Dallas Jeep in 1981. It became recognizable after being shown at the Paris Motor Show in the fall of 1982.

Transferred to the property of Jean-Francois Grandin

In 1983, Hrubon was approached by Jean-François Grandin. He was better known as a singer working under the pseudonym Frank Alamo. He wanted to change his old Citroen Mehari to something more modern and was interested in the Dallas Jeep. At first, he told Hrubon that he wanted to buy two cars. Then, he bought the entire company for 1.5 million francs.

Jean-Claude Hrubon was forced to sell his firm due to the financial crisis. Jean-François Grandin suited the role of the new owner in the best possible way. He came from a family of entrepreneurs, manufacturers of the popular Grandin televisions. Thus, the Dallas Jeep factory, along with five of its employees, was transferred to a new owner.

Changes that the car has undergone with a new owner

Long before Grandin bought the Dallas Jeep, he owned a plastics factory. Therefore, one of the first changes he made after he bought the car factory was a new frame. The main part of the machine, which was previously made of steel, began to be made of polyester plastic. This led not only to a lower weight of the car but also to a decrease in its cost.

In addition, the Dallas Jeep was based on a shortened chassis from the Renault 4. When the company was nearing the end of its career and its owners had already announced it, Jean-François Grandin thought about creating an alternative option. He designed a new custom chassis for the Dallas Jeep that was made of hot-dip galvanized steel. The mechanical part of the car also changed. Grandin exchanged Renault engines for Peugeot engines.

Overall, the Dallas Jeep continued to evolve over the years. With each new modernization, cars became more and more comfortable to use. In 1995, Grandin introduced a new version of the Dallas pickup called the Vescovato. During its existence, the car has undergone more various changes than the Dallas Jeep. It had an updated transmission, front suspension, instrument panel and many other details.

Despite the fact that the new car was quite popular, Jean-François began to burn out from his favorite business. In 1996, unexpectedly for everyone, he decided to sell his company and return to music. The man regained his stage name and went on a concert tour. Without its owner, who made a lot of efforts to develop his business, the Dallas Jeep production company lived for only two years. In 1998, it was officially declared bankrupt.

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