Saturday, September 7, 2024


Dallas is the 8th largest city in the USA. Here, one can be confident that time is money and is valued. In Dallas, residents actively use the high-speed tram. Read more at dallas-future.


From the beginning of the 1980s, there were many small and large transport companies in the city. Gradually, larger projects began to absorb smaller ones, until one of them became a monopoly in the local transport network. This happened in 1983.

Thus, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) was created. The company owns the rights to transport passengers by suburban diesel trains, buses, high-speed trams and trains. Transport runs through Dallas and Fort Worth.


The idea of ​​creating a high-speed tram for Dallas appeared in September 1984. The plan was to develop a 236-kilometer route for a high-speed train that covered the entire suburbs of Dallas.

Three years later, the plan was approved. From 1987 to 1990, the company that was responsible for the creation of the high-speed line was engaged in the preparation of equipment and land for the track.

Since 1990, construction has been in full swing. In 1993, the company received an additional $82.6 million loan from the government. These funds were allocated for the construction of difficult sections of the route, which involved the creation of bridges and tunnels. Construction continued. In 1995, the company received 40 wagons for testing the developed lines.

In June 1996, the first branch of the high-speed tram with a length of 18 kilometers was opened. According to the plan of the engineers and designers, the high-speed tram was supposed to carry 15,000 passengers per day. However, Dallas residents liked it so much that 18,000 passengers a day began to use it from the opening.

From the beginning of the development of this idea, it was determined that there would be several lines: red and blue lines (started to function in 1997), green line (was opened in 2009) and orange line (was opened in 2012).

High-speed tram

As of 2022, the high-speed tram has four lines, 103 stations, of which 9 stations are on overpasses, two in artificial declines and one underground station.

Tram cars are divided into three sections: A, B and C. A is the head of the tram, B is the tail and C is the intermediate part. All wheels of the tram are driven. Section B has two entrances, which are as low as possible and equipped for people with disabilities and wheelchairs. Entrances and exits at the head and tail of the tram have three steps each.

Not all trains have three sections. It all depends on the busyness of the day and the route.

The driver opens the door at busy stations. In the case of a small number of passengers, everyone can press the button to open the door.

There is a special board on the platform that displays the arrival time of the next tram. Also, station employees announce the number of cars in the next tram.


There are 163 high-speed tram cars. The capacity of each car is 94 seats, 274 seats for standing passengers and 4 seats for people with disabilities. The seats are made from soft fabric, which is made of surprisingly strong threads, designed for a large flow of passengers.

The weight of the wagon is 63.5 tons, the width is 2.7 m, the length is 37.6 m, the height of the wagon in the cabin is 2.06 m and the track width is 1435 mm.


The maximum speed of the tram is 112 km/h. In business districts, the speed of the tram does not exceed 25 km/h, because one needs to take care of cars and people. On most of the route, the tram moves along a line closed to people and animals. Here, the speed ranges from 50 to 110 km/h.

Free parking is provided at each stop, which is extremely convenient for commuters living outside the city.


To use the high-speed tram service, you need to purchase a ticket. It is calculated not on the number of trips but on the time a passenger spends using transport. That is, you can buy a ticket for a certain number of hours for travel on three types of transport: tram, bus and suburban train. The price of the ticket depends on the number of hours, the period of the day and the number of modes of transport that can be used.

There are discounts on travel for beneficiaries. Disabled persons, veterans, pensioners and children under 14 years old can use it. For children under 5 years of age, travel is free.


You can buy a travel ticket at each of the stations. There are no turnstiles, so they rely on a conscientious passenger. At any moment, the controller can enter the car. If the fare is not paid, they will impose a fine of 25 hours of community service plus $500 to the community budget and $75 to the account of the transport company.

Big income

Since the launch of the high-speed tram, hundreds of business centers have been created around the line, which benefit from the possibility of rapid movement of employees.

In addition to convenient and fast movement, the high-speed tram relieved the streets from the endless flow of cars.

The benefits of operating it in Dallas are difficult to reassess and cannot be replaced.

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