Saturday, September 7, 2024


A profession, which is currently the most in-demand and the most paid from the very beginning. A profession that doesn’t have clear obligations, and which covers many positions related to information technology. All these words are about an IT specialist.

In this article, we will tell you why working as an IT specialist in Dallas is profitable. Learn more at dallas-future.

General information

Who are IT specialists and what is the profession that is in high demand in today’s world?

An IT specialist is a specialist working in the information technology sector. IT specialists are needed in almost every company. Every enterprise or business works with information technologies, as they have to create and maintain their website and network, repair computer equipment in the office or modernize it.

In a mid-level company, an IT specialist doesn’t have a specific framework. They cover various tasks from making a project for the chief accountant’s daughter to convincing the boss that the equipment is outdated and has to be replaced. Such IT specialists are called system administrators. In companies that are more engaged in information technologies, specialists have a clear division into separate positions, such as

  • technical support specialist
  • web designer
  • web programmer
  • HTML editor
  • IT manager
  • and IT director.

Let’s consider each of the positions.

System administrator

A technical support specialist is an employee whose scope of work can’t be clearly defined. This employee can easily be loaded with additional work. Working in the office, a technical support specialist must constantly monitor the operation of office equipment because, in the event of a breakdown, the company can lose a lot of money. A technical support specialist, or simply a system administrator, constantly monitors the technical condition of office equipment and often offers owners to update it.

Depending on the specialty of the company, the responsibilities of an IT specialist include

  • basic knowledge of information technologies
  • knowledge and ability to work with Novell, Windows NT and Unix operating systems
  • the ability and skills of combining different types of computers into one network, for example, MAC or PC
  • experience working with equipment of various manufacturers, such as 3com, Cisco, Hewlett, Intel and Packard.

The work of an IT specialist is not limited to their specialty.

This job has many advantages. For young people, it is an opportunity to earn good money. For older people, it is honor and respect, as well as the opportunity to earn a decent salary for a job they like.

Web designer

This specialist creates and maintains sites. If you want the site to be perfect, several specialists should work on it. A web designer is an artist who creates an interface. A specialist must be well-versed in technology to understand what will work and what won’t. They also must be aware of all the latest trends and create something unique. A web designer must be proficient in Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Illustrator and Corel programs. Programming skills, creativity and the ability to follow a given style wouldn’t be superfluous. A web designer has a lot of space to grow because a person with leadership skills can create their own company, and become an IT manager or IT director. 

Web programmer and Java programmer

The positions of web and Java programmer aren’t the same. Such specialists are required to have knowledge and skills in working with such development programs as JavaScript, Perl, MYSQL, PHP, ACTIVEX, JSP, JDBC, J2ee, JMS, ODBC, XML, Oracle and MS SQL. If cut to a short, the more a programmer can do, the better it’s for the company and the higher salary the specialist will receive.

HTML editor

It is a specialist who creates HTML codes. The need for such a specialist rarely arises because this work is often performed by other specialists, but such a position exists too.

Highest-rank IT specialists 

An IT specialist who has leadership qualities and can work on multiple tasks can become an IT manager and IT director.

IT in Dallas

Dallas is also called North Texas’s Silicon Prairie because there are many IT companies in this city. Among the most famous are AT&T, Ericsson, Alcatel, Fujitsu, Sprint and Nortel Networks. It also houses the headquarters of Southwest Airlines, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Texas Instruments and Pizza Hut. Not only large IT companies use IT specialists’ services but also many others.

According to research by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the IT labor market sector is developing very quickly in the USA. From 2020 to 2023, the number of jobs in this niche increased by 14.5% (while the average percentage in other professions is 4.47%). Texas is in 4th place out of 10 American cities with the largest number of IT specialist vacancies (49.8 per 1000 jobs).

IT specialists can work in the office or remotely, even in another country. Everything depends on the specifics of the work. Therefore, IT specialists can work in Dallas companies, while living in any corner of the world. The main conditions are high-quality and fast Internet and electricity.

Thus, Dallas welcomes IT specialists and offers them a wide selection of vacancies.

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